Tattoo Removal
Here at Lacey Jordan Permanent Makeup, we also offer tattoo removal. We mainly focus on Brow tattoo removal but will also remove body tattoos if they are small. We unfortunately see quite a few people that have had bad tattooing done elsewhere that needs removal/ lightening before she can work on the area again or sometimes if the skin has been topped up multiple times with tattooing over the years, the pigment has built up and skin can only hold so much pigment before it is essentially '‘Full’ so there may come a point where you may need removal in order to keep them looking fresher for longer, this is where laser removal comes in beautifully.
Lacey works with a top of the range Laser machine (ND YAG) and has found it to be extremely effective. Lacey also offers EMERGENCY tattoo removal (LIFT Saline tattoo removal) if you are in need of immediate removal which is fantastic if you are able to get to us within 48 hours of the tattoo being completed.
Laser Removal
The quickest and most effective tattoo removal option-
Nd:YAG lasers can treat 90 – 95% of tattoos, since red and black are the most popular tattoo ink colours. Both Nd:YAG wavelengths are safe on all skin types and allow for the most efficacious tattoo laser removal procedures available.
Nd-Yag wave lengths effectively work below the surface of the skin to break down the ink particles used in tattoos, making them small enough to be expelled by the body’s own metabolic process.
Laser removal is by far the quickest and most effective removal method (this cannot be used for emergency removal- only LIFT can do this) but it is the best for older tattoos and for much faster result.
Typically with permanent makeup tattoo removal we see complete results anywhere from 1-5 sessions, the amount of sessions needed depends on the pigment type used, the depth the pigment was implanted, the method and the bodys own lymphatic drainage. Some removals are complete with one session and others may need more.
(Click to expand the below images)

Li-FT EMERGENCY Saline tattoo Removal
Li-FT Saline Tattoo Lightening Solution is tattooed into the area of the unwanted permanent makeup, microblading or body tattoo procedure by using conventional tattoo methods.
Li-FT Saline Lightening Solution is a non-chemical, non-acid, high salt based, fruit seed extract saline tattoo lightening product that is so effective it can lighten a tattoo or permanent makeup procedure to the point it is no longer visible.
This is the alternative method to Laser tattoo removal for those preferring a more natural removal process (lifting/pulling the pigment out of the skin as opposed to laser which breaks the pigment into particles that are exposed of by the body’s own metabolic process).
Lacey uses this method more often only on emergency removal cases and uses laser removal for older tattoos.
Primarily your lips will look as if lipstick/gloss has been applied - dependent which colour was chosen will determine the darkness/brightness. Swelling of the lips may appear and usually subsides in a day or two. Antihistamines can be taken to remove swelling faster.
Full aftercare will be provided on completion of the treatment and verbally explained
I usually suggest leaving 3 hours avaialble but the treratment usually is done in 2. This includes pre numbing time, drawing the sape and the procedure itself.
You can have lip filler but it must be atleast 4 weeks before your lip blush. If your filler is too migrated you may need to have it dissolved beforehand.
Lacey uses the best numbing creams that she apples topically before and during the procedure. Lacey will check that you are comfortable and apply as neccessary but the discomfort is mild.