Pre Care Information
PMU (Permanent Makeup) is a form of a tattoo. We use small needles and implant pigment/ink into the dermis of the skin (this is more superficial than permanent body tattoo’s ad we use semi permanent inks).
You must be 18 years of age as a minimum unless a medical reason (ie alopecia, chemotherapy) and have parental/guardians consent (and medical consent if required). Prior to your PMU procedure think about the look that you wish to achieve. As an expert in the field of PMU we ensure that the correct colours and styles are chosen for you, however you are part of the decision-making process and it is important to Lacey that you love your results.
PMU (Permanent Makeup) normally require multiple sessions. To achieve the best results you may be required to return for a second application between 6-12 weeks after the initial application, Eyebrow procedures include a second session in the price but Lips and Eyeliner procedures have an additional small fee if a second session is booked, this is because unlike the eyebrows, they often don’t require a second session.
Then ongoing we recommend a yearly top up to keep your PMU fresh and up to date, the colour will fade overtime. Be prepared for the colour intensity to be significantly sharper and darker immediately after the procedure. This will subside and become softer as the skin heals. This process can take up to 14 days but usually 5-7 days.
Contraindications (you cannot have PMU if you are taking/have the following)
You cannot have the PMU treatment if you are currently on/have:
Allergy to glycerine
Allergy to pigments
Allergies to local anaesthetics
Body dysmorphic- Artist will not be able to achieve client expectations
Blood thinning medication
Contagioous disease
Epilepsy in the last 3 years
Skin conditions on treatment site
Insulin resistant diabetes
Keloid scars with minor injury
Minor under 18
Mole on treatment site
Pregnancy or breastfeeding
Retinols or AHA acid- can treat 4 weeks after last use
Systemic lupus Erythematosis (poor risk of healing due to immune system)
Scar easily
Shingles outbreak on treatment site (present and past)
Skin sensitivity on treatment site
Tuberculosis (bacteria infection that is contagious)
Unstable vitiligo (has moved within 1 year period)
Haemangiona (vascular tumour on treatment site)
Ocular herpes (eyeliner treatments cannot go ahead)
Oversaturated previous PMU
General Advice
General Pre Advice:
Keep in mind delicate skin or sensitive areas may be swollen or red, if you have any social plans bear this in mind for lip and eyeliner treatments as they can be slightly swollen for a few hours or a few days at most
Avoid alcohol intake 48 hours prior to your PMU treatment
Try to avoid caffeine on the day of your treatment prior to PMU.
Do not take blood thinning medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen, nurofen 2 days prior to your PMU
Do not discontinue any medication before consulting your doctor.
Keep alcohol intake to a minimum 2 days prior to your PMU
If you are having Lip Tattooing please moisturise your lips for the days running up to your appointment as i cannot work on dry skin
Do not use 1% Retin A skincare products close to the area to be treated for 4 weeks prior your procedure.
Do not use AHA skincare products close to the area to be treated for 4 weeks prior to your procedure.
Avoid professional chemical peels close to the procedure site for 4 weeks prior to your procedure.
Please be aware that the National Blood Service does not accept donations of blood for 4 months after PMU
If you arrive to your appointment and are clearly ill and have not informed me, you will be sent away and the appointment will be rearranged
Lips Pre care
If you have a history of cold sores (herpes simplex) and are scheduling a lip tattoo we advise you to use anti-herpes medication for example Zovirax ointment that can be obtained from a chemist. Use the preparation 1-week prior and 1-week after your enhancement 5 times a day to reduce the incidence of outbreak by 50%.
Oral anti-herpes medication (Acyclovir) will control the incidence of an outbreak more or less completely.
PMU does not cause cold sores, however if you carry the virus, it lays dormant in the nervous system and can be aroused by the infusion process.
IPL laser hair removal around the mouth should be carried out no less than 2 weeks prior to your procedure.
Waxing and bleaching treatments should be performed no less than 2 weeks prior to your procedure.
Electrolysis treatments should be performed no less than 2 weeks prior to your procedure.
Dermal fillers in the lip should be performed no less than 4 weeks prior to your procedure.
Permanent makeup adds colour into the skin so expectations must be managed.
Prepare to drink through a straw for a few days after
Lightly exfoliating your lips to remove dry dead skin will help with better retention
Keep your lips moisturised - do not turn up to the appointment with chapped lips
Bring in your favourite lip colour for everyday wear to your appointment.
I like to reccomend ‘Oui Cherie’ Lip scrub and balm to use prior to your procedure
Eyebrow Pre care
Waxing and threading treatments should be performed no less than a few days prior to your procedure.
IPL laser hair removal should be performed no less than 2 weeks prior to your procedure.
Electrolysis treatments should be performed no less than 2 weeks prior to your procedure.
Eyebrow tinting should be performed no less than 4 days prior to your procedure – best to keep your natural colour brows.
Eyebrow hair stimulating products should not be used for 2 weeks prior to your procedure.
Botox in the brow region should be performed no less than 2 weeks pre procedure (you can have this treatment after the PMU immediately as long as the injection site is not in the eyebrow.
Excema or Pharisees in the eyebrow regien must be avoided. The eyebrow skin needs to be a good healthy canvas for us to work and implant colour.
If you have any moles or raised scars in the eyebrow we need to avoid this patch too as we cannot work over these.
Avoid coming to your appointment with heavy makeup on as we will have to cleanse and remove the makeup resulting in scrubbing the skin causing sensitivity.
Avoid sun beds 2 weeks before and post procedure.
Avoid waxing or threading for a week prior to your appointment ideally
Eyeliner Pre care
Eyelash tinting or eyelash perming treatments should be carried out no less than 4 days prior to your procedure.
Eyelash stimulating products should not be used for 2 weeks prior to your procedure.
Artificial lashes should be removed prior to your procedure and not reapplied for 2 weeks post procedure.
Do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following your procedure. Remember to bring your glasses. You may resume wearing your contact lenses 24 hours after the procedure.
You may have mild swelling after your tattoo procedure and as a safety precaution you may wish to have someone drive you home.